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Different Editions of Our Book      

Because our book is half journal and half text, we sprinkled it with beautiful photos to inspire deep thoughts. None of them are commercial photographs—all of them, as well as those used on this site, were taken by family and friends on travels around the world. We think that they do, indeed, provoke feelings and stimulate creative thought. Unfortunately, they are also very expensive to print. The print version of Passport 2 Purpose is therefore black-and-white. The digital e-book available from Amazon has the original color photos, but does not offer the opportunity to journal in the book itself. The written content is identical in both editions.

    Note: If you do not use a Kindle, you can download a Kindle app for your iPhone or iPad.

Download free chapter excerpts to preview the book’s content:

Journey 1 - Beliefs & Values
Journey 2 - Healthy Boundaries
Journey 3 - Understanding Feelings